Monthly meeting on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm
Commander Randy Turley
First Vice Commander Adrian West
Second Vice Commander Len McFarling
Sgt At Arms
Adjutant Ron Domres
Finance Officer Bill Veach
Judge Advocate
Service Officer
Administrator /Membership Ron Domres
Sons of the American Legion
Monthly meeting the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm
Commander Rich Waddell
First Vice Scott Lambert
Second Vice Brian Cope
Adjutant Ben Meyer
Treasurer Mike Brush
Sargent of Arms Jeff Breivogel
Membership Scott Lambert
Historian Dale Pipes
Chaplain Werner(Bill) Stubblefield
Monthly meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30pm
President Gloria Eberhard
First Vice Jennifer Webb
Second Vice Nicole Monday
Recording Secretary Amanda Harmon
Treasurer Amy Waddell
Sargent of Arms Liz Schuckman
Correspondence Secretary Laura Moody
Historian Katie Jasionowski
Chaplain Sandra Champagne